Shashidhar Subramanya
Praveen Nahar
Ellen MacArthur Foundation and Panasonic India Pvt. Ltd.
Rural electrification
Business model
Virtual storage
Product Interface
Rural electrification
Business model
Virtual storage
Product Interface
diploma project
Bijli Bank: Energy Dispenser for Renewable Microgrids
Providing sustainable energy access to remote rural communities in India is the prime objective of this project. To achieve the balance between availability and usage in renewable energy microgrids, a novel consumption model called ‘Variable Allowance and Virtual Storage’ was proposed.
The needs of energy by the poor was captured through interactions with forest communities in the Domberwadi-Degaon clusters in Belgaum. On consultation with several industry experts, a business model was developed to empower consumer with greater control over daily energy usage and enable the energy provider to scale up generation in a phased manner with increase in demand.
Communicating the proposed consumption model to the users was the second phase. A Prepaid Energy Dispenser with a graphic interface, displaying the usage, availability and comparison with past data was designed. Interface options were tested with a slum community in Tubrahalli, on the outskirts of Bangalore.
The needs of energy by the poor was captured through interactions with forest communities in the Domberwadi-Degaon clusters in Belgaum. On consultation with several industry experts, a business model was developed to empower consumer with greater control over daily energy usage and enable the energy provider to scale up generation in a phased manner with increase in demand.
Communicating the proposed consumption model to the users was the second phase. A Prepaid Energy Dispenser with a graphic interface, displaying the usage, availability and comparison with past data was designed. Interface options were tested with a slum community in Tubrahalli, on the outskirts of Bangalore.
class room project
Book holder for travellers