Discipline: Photography Design
Honey Panchal
Reveling Rewa

Ishaan Dixit
Reflection of Million Distorted Thoughts and Silhouettes

Kanika Sharma
How to Become a Woman? A Satire on Indian Middle-class Family’s Social Conditioning of a Girl Child to Fit into Stereotypes

Laldintluangi Tochhawng
Across Boundaries: Idealising Home

Soumyadip Ghosh
Phantasmagoria: Looking Beyond the Temporality of the Subconscious

Sumit Kathuria
Class Apart

Communication Design
AFD (22)
GD (28)
FVC (13)
ED (6)
IID (14)
PHD (6)
I.T. Integrated Design
NMD (12)
DDE (11)
Interdisciplinary Design
SDM (11)
DRE (15)
Industrial Design
FID (13)
TAD (10)
TGD (8)
PD (28)
CGD (7)
Textile Design
LAD (13)
TD (23)
ADM (10)