Chairman’s Message

An institute that is paradigmatic in every way in the context of its commitment to design education and proficiency, the National Institute of Design (NID) has continued to render valuable service to this country. Its graduates bring forth renewed design sensibilities and a new wave of design thinking, but all this continues to remain grounded in real life concerns as seen in the projects that they pursue.

Design has the potential to influence change; students at NID nurture a genuine concern for improving the quality of human lives. Be it in the context of social or industrial sectors, NID has always been instrumental in equipping its students with design practices that bring them at par with their global counterparts. Indigenous design solutions are critical, and NID continues to encourage these; such solutions have vast industrial potential and if harnessed properly, can enhance the economic growth of the country.

NID is home to a unique a multidisciplinary educational system under 18 different disciplines, and a sizeable number of international collaborations. All of these are instrumental in creating new domains of knowledge in the field of design. Its students reveal the best in global design practices and thought leadership. Through its various projects, advanced curriculum, and initiatives in pathbreaking research, NID has been successful in creating a new vision for its students, equipping them with a superlative understanding of societal problems and the ability to create relevant design solutions.

The present times demand that designers play a more proactive and constructive role in identifying changes that occur in society; they need to show a readiness to acknowledge the uncertainty that these sudden changes bring in their wake and how they can design solutions that can help people to adjust and adapt successfully. NID has always been a respected platform to share new ideas and worldviews and have them invigorate the vision of its design initiatives. Students at NID are trained to explore existing and imminent trends in a global context, and glean for themselves the appropriate design innovations that would suit India, given its vast and heterogeneous needs.

I would like to congratulate all the graduates on this momentous occasion, and invite them to contribute in every way to nation-building activities in their capacity as designers.

Communication Design
FVC (13)
ED (6)
AFD (22)
GD (28)
IID (14)
PHD (6)
I.T. Integrated Design
NMD (12)
DDE (11)
Interdisciplinary Design
SDM (11)
DRE (15)
Industrial Design
CGD (7)
FID (13)
TAD (10)
TGD (8)
PD (28)
Textile Design
LAD (13)
TD (23)
ADM (10)