Amal Tiwari |

Saanidhya: The Hyperlocal Web

Guide Dr Bibhudutta Baral
Sponsor Google India Pvt. Ltd
Keywords activity-centric design;non-linear;problem solving;subjectivity

This project explored the notion of “hyperlocal web”. The project revisited existing conventions such as: What is meant by “hyperlocal”? What is the notion of community and “togetherness” in India? How can people easily make critical short-term and long-term decisions? How can people express their opinions and creativity better, individually, and as a group? How can people who have no or very less prior exposure to technology use it to lead a better life? How can work, living, and education be a more fulfilling experience?
The project addresses these concerns and notions by revisiting, understanding, and analysing them. It was seen that lot subjectivity was involved in addressing these; hence, the project narrowed down to a smaller set of users and focused on a set of problems within the ambit of what constitutes the hyperlocal.
Given the nature of the problem, the design process was very non-linear with a lot of iterations to narrow down to viable and feasible options. The notions of user-centric design and activity-centric design being put into practice were important aspects learnt.
The project required problem solving at a macro level and to do this one had to frequently iterate ideas and prototypes. Looking at problem solving at a macro level was the most important opportunity that this project provided.
Communication Design
ED (6)
AFD (22)
GD (28)
FVC (13)
IID (14)
PHD (6)
I.T. Integrated Design
NMD (12)
DDE (11)
Interdisciplinary Design
DRE (15)
SDM (11)
Industrial Design
CGD (7)
FID (13)
TAD (10)
TGD (8)
PD (28)
Textile Design
ADM (10)
LAD (13)
TD (23)