Young Designers’ is a tradition that has been followed religiously every
year at the National Institute of Design. Though it has consistency in its
content, it also has a new and fresh look every time. I always cherish this
moment and feel happy to release this publication.
Integrating work from three campuses, this document is a fine illustration
of our students’ best work signaling a promising and great future
ahead. The specializations of Digital Experience, Retail Experience
and Transportation & Automobile Design are having their first batch
graduating this year. This will to some extent fill the demand for qualified
professionals being felt in these sectors.
The National Institute of Design is creating milestones in every field
of design education, practice and research. The formation of the
India Design Council initiated by NID is an evidence of the country’s
recognition of this profession as an important growth engine for
economic and social development, urgently required in almost every
sector. Our model of Design Education is being recognized by various
international agencies as one of the top 30 ‘D’ schools of the world.
The National Institute of Design, through its many achievements and
contributions to social and economic growth has become a ‘brand’ in
itself. The Government of India has found this model ideal to replicate in
various parts of the country to spread Design Education to the farthest
corners of the country. This initiative will create a snowball effect in the
next five years when many designers come out of these institutions and
join industry as ‘Thought Leaders’ to bring about overall improvement in
various industrial and service sectors.
NID has provided the catalystic impetus to the Design movement in the
country. This has been achieved through a very competent faculty base
and the motivated students of this premiere institution. This publication
is a show-window to prove this point. I congratulate the entire editorial
team who worked tirelessly to bring this years’ edition.
In the end I extend my heartiest congratulations to all the graduating
students and their proud parents. I wish them all the best in their
future as they proceed to make contributions both in the Indian and the
international arena.