Our north star goal is to make Bing the go-to search engine for all our user’s shopping needs. We intend to achieve that goals by creating experiences that help users save money & time!
Deals, coupons and n-types of discounts and cashbacks play a big part in online shopping. In fact, for many shoppers, the availability of a lucrative deal or cashback could be the difference between making the purchase or not.
Our goal is to create deal seeking experiences targeting active and power deal seekers.
These are the users that regularly post on various platforms / communities geared towards deal seeking. They also identify deal seeking and “ability to get the best price” as part of their digital personas and invest time / energy in building this persona further through their posts and “posting status” they achieve – eg. Google guides, karma points (on reddit) etc. All this is usually done without any external reward (like points, level ups, rebates of any type) – since the users are invested in creating their deal seeking persona.
Our aim is to create a platform where users can access coupons and deals from brand as well as product specific deals that are posted by individual shoppers.