The Final Migration refers to the transformational journey numerous Changpa families have made over the past two decades, permanently migrating from the vast green pastures of Changthang to Leh and lower altitude regions of Ladakh. A nomadic pastoralist community primarily, they utilize the fibers, dairy and post their natural death, the meat and skin of the animals they herd. Historically, weaving produced a prominent chunk of their everyday use materials such as their housing (Rebo tents), clothing, storage, livestock accessories and practically everything they utilized. However, the ongoing migration has led to a decline in the overall production of traditional weaving and other wool-related practices.
The project aspires to bridge this gap and accomplish a conscious and sustainable production cycle that seamlessly adapts to the existing supply chain of goods, from raw materials to finished commercial products that respond to the contemporary users of textiles as well as the traditional methods of production. Carried out during peak winters, the project entailed researching the traditional textiles and design sensibilities along with people and their cultures in order to design and develop a conscious range of sustainable, handcrafted textile products from locally sourced raw wool. The products are woven on Ladakhi backstrap looms called Thak with locally sourced and processed handspun wool. The secondary aim was to incorporate training and skill development for the weaving team that recently migrated from Changthang, adding to their pool of skill and dexterity, and economic opportunities.