Cancer has emerged as one of the major public health problems across the world. Certain drugs used in the cancer treatment damage the peripheral nerves located in the palms and feet of the patient causing poly neurotoxicity which is termed as CIPN (Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy). It is one of the most frequent and unfavorable side effects of the treatment and affects the patients’ Quality of life. It causes the patient to experience numbness, pain and tingling sensations in the affected regions. Daily mundane tasks like buttoning up, holding objects, walking, climbing stairs become difficult to perform. CIPN is an irreversible after effect and till date there is no pharmacological cure or treatment available. However ongoing studies and trials around CryoCompression therapy to help prevent CIPN are being carried out. Due to the absence of serious adverse effects, cryotherapy is being considered as a reasonable option to consider for prevention of CIPN. There are currently no devices which cater specifically to deliver cryocompression to cancer patients for preventing CIPN. Moreover, the makeshift solutions available in the market, such as ice packs stuffed in mittens are inefficient and pose the risk of frostbites and ice burns to the person using them. Thus, I have designed CryoLimb – Cooling gloves that have to be used during an ongoing chemotherapy infusion to prevent the occurrence of CIPN in the hands. The cooling setup works on the concept of Thermoelectric Cooling, thus cutting out the refrigeration cost. The only input required is that of electricity, to power the device. Cryotherapy uses cold-induced vasoconstriction and reduced metabolism to limit the influx of drugs to the extremities, thus preventing nerve damage at the peripheries. The device thus fulfils the UN SDG Goal - "To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages."