In this touching animated film, we follow the emotional journey of a young daughter who experiences the highs and lows of life. Her initial elation at winning a badminton trophy at a regional sports meet is contrasted by the heartbreak she endures when accidentally overhearing her father discussing his doubts about her true passion for badminton. He suggests that she should prioritize her studies for a brighter future.
As time passes, the father becomes increasingly aware of the pain he unintentionally inflicted on his beloved daughter. He grapples with guilt, torn between societal expectations and his love for his child. Despite his middle-aged status and discomfort, he embarks on a soul-searching path toward reconciliation with his teenage daughter.
Ultimately, unable to bear the weight of his guilt any longer, the father summons the courage to apologize to his daughter. In a heartwarming scene, he not only seeks her forgiveness but also commits to supporting her in pursuing her genuine passion.
This animated film delves into the transformative journey of a father who confronts the influence of patriarchal norms in society. It explores his shifting perspective and realisations as he evolves emotionally. The story reaches a powerful climax when the father, unable to contain his guilt any longer, reveals his vulnerable side by shedding tears in front of his own daughter.
As the film unfolds, it beautifully illustrates the importance of understanding, open communication, and unconditional love within a family. The evolving bond between father and daughter serves as the heartwarming core of this animated tale, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.