Lucky, a 6th grader, is waiting with his friend Ninu and other guests to celebrate his birthday party at around 6pm. His parents, Tamil(father) and Nani(mother), don’t allow Lucky to close the main door to stop the flooding of mosquitoes, as they believe 6pm is the time when gods arrive at their house to bless them. Mosquito Mami, a “blood relative” mosquito who Lucky hates, enters his house and keeps nagging Lucky. To everyone’s surprise, Lord Krishna himself, in a very modern and stylish attire, arrives at their house. Lucky’s parents and other guests get really excited and start taking care of the guest. Krishna ends up taking the day's spotlight from Lucky. The parents start taking advantage of Krishna's presence and start treating him in absurd ways. Lucky gets emotional as he gets ignored. The parents end up finding old photos of Lucky's 1st year birthday where he is dressed up as Krishna and feeds a cake to his parents. His parents get emotional and realize where their true happiness lies.