This graduation project follows a design process to incentivize the lesser-known craft in the region of Kutch, Gujarat. This project started with an initial brief of representing India globally, requiring me to do graphic design research and create a series of graphic design representations. As the project progressed, the scope became much more extensive. The transformation and the path of the project I owe to the design process of the self-sponsored project.
Throughout the process, we tried to get close to a better understanding of what India could be and looked at both the lesser-known Indian crafts and the current scenarios. After arriving gradually to understand our scope of work for the initial step, we focused on one craft in one particular region, delved into ideation and narratives, and further tried to locate the ideas we had a consensus on. These steps became the guardrails to flesh out the concepts that best suited the visual system. The takeaways were then synthesized, and a field visit was carried out for the research and execution later. After rigorous trial and error in the actionable methods, we selected a medium to promote the artisans and the lesser-known craft. This step helped in understanding the nuances of the craft better and gave direction in seeking out the narratives that make the craft practice unique in its own way.
This research forward approach was then focused on building a website which is an attempt to give form to this research. This comes in the final leg of this project, according to the brief. Thus, the conclusion of this project ends with an attempt to give representation to the craft and the artisans of the craft through the website design process under the initiative.