Out-break is an educational hyper-casual game that to educate people about pandemic. It puts players in the role of a virus fighter, tasked with stopping the spread of a deadly pandemic. By engaging in fun and challenging gameplay, players learn about important pandemic safety measures such as hand hygiene, sanitising, social distancing, and mask-wearing. With colorful graphics, fast-paced action, and educational content, Out-break offers an engaging and effective way to teach young children from urban and rural areas on how to stay safe and take precaution during a pandemic.
An educational game on pandemic like Out-break could make a difference because it can help to raise awareness and promote understanding of critical health and safety measures during a pandemic, such as social distancing, mask-wearing, and hand hygiene. By engaging in interactive gameplay, players can learn and retain important information in a more engaging and memorable way than traditional teaching methods. Moreover, educational games can be easily accessible and provide an effective means to educate large numbers of people, including children, who may not otherwise have access to this information. This can ultimately contribute to reducing the spread of diseases and keeping individuals and communities safe.