It’s been one of the longest stretched project, i went through in my career. There were a lots of ups & downs, but eventually everything fell at place. The project started very well in July’21. I got to see the face of our institute once again for the time we all lost touch because of COVID Lockdown.
The Design Brief I chose, gave me an opportunity to apply my design sensibility & skills to help such a big sector of indian economy - The Indian Railways.
The challenge was to study & observe the system & pattern of working of the railways during post covid, when everything was trying to get back to normal after a huge pandemic that effected billions of people. The Aim was to make the process or the journey of each of these individual better & efficient at the Railways. To achieve this, i applied the design processes starting from researching about things that the passenger’s see’s & interact with, and building on map to understand the whole situation holistically, applying learnings that i grasped as student during my cirriculum at NID, with obviously some tweaks from my end to make the process more familiar & enjoyable.
Finally after many mental debate, I narrowed down a wide open ended project with an idea to connect people back to their surroundings, making them carefree and less conscious about each & every thing which created a sense of fear in people during the COVID Period. This changed the entire mood of the project, which now caters to the emotions & behaviour of the people to make their journey a little more interesting.