Om Prasad Karanjkar

Command and Control: A Console Design Project

Om Prasad Karanjkar


Ms. Nijoo Dubey

WESEE, Ministry of Defence


WESEE is an organization under the Indian Ministry of Defence, which works on research and development for the Indian Navy. One of their many projects is the Command and Control (C2) system, which is a networked system used to interface with the many sensors, sub-systems, and control systems across a modern naval ship.

This project’s scope entailed a redesign of the electronic consoles used on-ship for the C2 systems, and a redesign of their digital user interface.

The console redesign part of the project had fixed constraints due to the use case, and needed multiple iterations and reviews. This also included making 1:1 scale mock-ups for the proposed designs, using commercial electronic equipment to simulate the actual systems.

The digital interface redesign was part of a larger ongoing project to make the system UI more consistent and to meet the user’s expectations. The console redesign tied in to the UI redesign through certain hardware changes like removing a redundant display. The scope included two information dashboards, which had to be re-designed for touchscreen use with improved graphic representations for the different variables, while keeping them in sync with the new Design System being developed by the team.


Om Prasad Karanjkar
Om Prasad Karanjkar
Om Prasad Karanjkar