In the advent of Firewalls & Vpns, the internet has become(parts of it) much safer to traverse around. These programs make sure that we do not get into troublesome situations by casting a layer of invisible protection around us, but within its own territory. Some of these troubles are not bound by objectivity & thus these programs are not capable of judging their subjective malice powers. We need a real human mind to filter such contents. From a functionality aspect it works, on social media individuals can report a content if he or she finds offensive/inappropriate. These individual responses when combined forms a much bigger opinion of a mass. Now these opinions can be manipulated & used in ways that can benefit the power group that is circulating such contents, which can potentially cause harm to the society. That is why educating people how to not get affected by such manipulated information is of high importance.
So far the best examples of such educational endeavors are captured in texts, even the interactive ones. University of Cambridge’s Badnews is a game that does it very well with it’s quirky & comical quality, but given that we are in the era of bite size consumption & emojis, it may not be interesting enough for many to try out. I would like to take a stab at making a visual focused narrative experience that can universally communicate & educate people.