Title: Design for Innovation- envisioning innovation for Indian gold jewellery industry Background: The World Gold Council (WGC) plays a vital role in stimulating and sustaining the demand for gold globally. It provides global data & insights, future roadmaps, set industry standards, develop & strengthen infrastructure, and other benefits while meeting social and environmental needs of society. In India, gold holds cultural and financial significance, but the popularity of gold jewellery has been declining, impacting the larger market. This project is an attempt to understand the root cause of this decline and propose a strategy to revive the market through the lens of innovation. Objectives: Understand innovation and its practice across various industries. Gain knowledge on frameworks and models that help businesses to innovate. Identify barriers and drivers that influence innovation. Understand jewellery and its value for the wearer. Understanding the Indian gold jewellery industry and its current functioning. Understand the stakeholders of the gold jewellery industry value chain. Probe their perceptions, behaviours, motivations, and desires. Understand the system. Inquire and analyse for gaps and leverages. Conclude with relevant design Interventions. Methodology:Due to the research being conducted during the COVID pandemic, the research methodology was designed accordingly. Secondary Research: Literature review (articles, reports & books) to understand innovation & Indian gold jewellery industry. Primary Research: Remote semi-structured stakeholder interviews (1:1 interviews). Analysis: Mind mapping and affinity mapping Key Findings: The Indian gold jewellery industry faces challenges related to perception, innovation awareness, preparedness for change, collaboration, and negligence from authorities. Collaboration emerged as a key challenge for design intervention. Solution: To address the collaboration challenge, a digital platform is proposed as an extension of the widely followed GJEPC website. Leveraging the platform's established trust and network, the solution aims to foster collaboration within the industry and catalyse their journey towards innovation.