Discipline Faculty

Enhancing Changing Sky’s Digital Brand Experience for its Customers

Mudita Agarwal

Tarun Deep Girdher

The project brief was to enhance the digital brand experience of Changing Sky, for its customers. Since Changing Sky did not have a well-established digital identity, Mudita got the opportunity to take control of how it could be represented. She first learnt about their target audience and the sectors they represent, their tastes, aesthetics and dynamic shared with each other. The scope of the project included designing their logo, website, project case studies, company profile, presentations and social media content.
The logo and website layout selection involved rigorous ideation and feedback sessions. The basics of color and composition, understanding of typography and design came in handy for Mudita. Multitasking was a challenging yet fulfilling part of the process with ideation for the website and logo done simultaneously along with planning of product photo shoots, content writing and layout design of project case studies and presentations.