Young Designers 2010

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Amanjot Sandhu
New Media Design | PGDPD, jot.smooth@gmail
Connected Paper
Guide Dr Bibhudutta Baral
Sponsonr Hewlett-Packard India Sales Pvt.Ltd.
> Interfaces
> Microsoft
> Mobile
> Paper
We interact with paper in two separate worlds i.e. the electronic world and the physical world. Interaction styles of these two worlds do not match with each other as functions available for both are different. In my diploma project the main focus was on designing the interfaces and the interactions to bridge the gap between physical and the digital world. The focus of this design exploration was to explore the ways in which paper (printed or handwritten or a mix) can be usefully linked to digital information presented on a mobile device via camera-based interface, or on a fixed display camera and appropriate gestural and spoken interaction (e.g. pointing or gestural at the paper) according to the user needs. The project started by analyzing different aspects of paper. All the usable areas of the paper were listed out followed by the domain research of the connected paper and different inventions in this area. A user study was done with the focus on personal paper management. After the analysis of the insights and the data gathered, different concepts were made with respect to the users’ needs and requirements. One concept was detailed out which showed how personal papers can be connected with the electronic device like mobile phones. The project concluded with an interactive prototype which shows the possibility of the implementation of the concept.
My diploma project gave me an opportunity to complete my project from requirements to deliverable. I followed the design process and realized that every next step is dependent on the previous step.
Communication Design
AFD 24
ED 5
FVC 16
GD 18
Industrial Design
FID 17
PD 15
TrAD 8
Interdisciplinary Design
DRE 12
SDM 13
I.T. Integrated Design
IID 11
New Media Design 10
Amanjot Sandhu
Anoma Shah
Neety Rai
Ramshi Hamza
Ranjit Menon
Ritika Mathur
Rohini Shitole
Sagar Raut
Shailja Pahuja
Shubhi Shrivastava
Textile Design
ADM 14
TD 13
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