Young Designers 2010

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Arnab Khound
Information and Digital Design | PGDPD
Health Bonus Accounts: A Collaborative Platform to Improve Health Awareness
Guide Dr Bibhudutta Baral
Sponsonr Self Sponsered
> Collaborative platform
> Health awareness
> Activity diagrams
> Information architecture
My diploma project was titled Health Bonus Accounts: A Collaborative Platform to Improve Health Awareness. The objective of this project was to come up with a solution which had a strong influence of user-centered-design and which could address the actual needs of the users. This project discussed a solution involving the trainees of the various health programs, the trainers and the insurance companies and creation of a tool which could allow them to work together for mutual benefits. This also addressed the issue of complex payment system related to medical bills and proposed a new concept to make the process simpler.
The project started with the research on the topics like disease management programs, different health accounts, Personal Health Record (PHR) and the types of PHR’s to have a clear understanding of the current healthcare system. It was followed by interviews with the stakeholders and the users from the different target user groups to find out their needs and expectations. This data was analyzed and then the user needs and requirements were extracted. The information architecture was done with the help of Activity Diagrams which effectively represents how the user will flow through the interface to accomplish a specific task. The final outcome was the creation of a tool called the Health Bonus Account: A collaborative platform to improve health awareness over an existing PHR which provided a common platform for the three target user groups consisting of trainees, trainers involved in various preventive health programs and insurance companies to work in a symbiotic fashion and benefit from each other’s involvement.
Communication Design
AFD 24
ED 5
FVC 16
GD 18
Industrial Design
FID 17
PD 15
TrAD 8
Interdisciplinary Design
DRE 12
SDM 13
I.T. Integrated Design
Information and Digital Design 1
Arnab Khound
IID 11
NMD 10
Textile Design
ADM 14
TD 13
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