My project brief was to create comprehensive and hard hitting Public Service Announcements (PSAs) broadly about environmental concerns, and substance abuse in order to build social awareness on the same. These were to be aired on Zoom TV, a glamour and entertainment channel with a keen focus on entertainment, news, Bollywood, lifestyle and fashion.
Zoom TV is keen on highlighting and paying heed to these issues despite its primary focus being the entertainment and glamour industry. The specific areas focused upon were global warming, conservation of natural resources and smoking. My attempts led to the compilation of spots like ‘It’s Worth Saving: A Spot on Water,’ ‘Switch Off: A Spot on Energy,’ and ‘Up in Smoke: Two Spots on Smoking’ including ‘Be Cool, Don’t Smoke,’ and ‘It’s your Life.’
Each subject had to be uniquely dealt with in terms of narrative, treatment and style, and the central aspect was to convey the message to a mixed audience group in a simple and uncomplicated but indirect manner. The idea was to make the viewers think for themselves. The treatment of the promos was conversant with, but not essentially bound by, the existing visual language of the channel (glamorous, stylish and sophisticated) since each subject had to merit its own relevant style and treatment.
The proposal changed quite a bit once I got a clear idea of the constraints and conditions I would be working in. Certain themes were finalized and a methodology was decided once I became familiar with the sponsor agency and its needs vis-à-vis its current positioning in the industry.
This project eroded rash idealism and strengthened past convictions. It showed me beyond a shadow of doubt what I was capable of. It proved to be the mirror to reflect my weaknesses and inadequacies.