The project brief from Shark Design was to propose a retail system for large format apparel stores. The retail sector today has become an integral component within the institution of a typical family.
The market today is flooded with malls, with various specifications. Competition has given a need to look for some place else. The project was an attempt to propose a system, which would help adapt clothing to local consumer needs. An overall survey, mapping consumer task, dressing trends, exhibit patterns, and fixtures, would reveal local needs of global brands, acting upon which would give us a probable solution.
The major areas to look into while dealing with ergonomics regarding consumer behaviour inside the store were reach, grip, and space. It looked into aspects like whether the clothes at display locations are appropriately reachable and elimination of any awkward positions - static or in motion, natural grip in relation to lifting, pushing and pulling of any elements of the system while assembling, and the availability of enough space when performing any of the said actions so as to not cause any inconvenience.
In the area of design and development, my main role was to make proper design to obtain full customer satisfaction, apply continuous implementation in the design manual to improve quality satisfaction by keeping in mind the cost factor, make prototype models as per customer’s requirements, send for production after approval from customer and obtain a better output with the help of value based engineering.
According to my brief, “creating a system for large format retail” and “convenience” formed the keywords of my project in terms of both consumer and production.