Aditya Agarwal

Project Neerja: safety with wearables

Aditya Agarwal


Ms. Nijoo Dubey

Google India Pvt. Ltd.


In a world where personal safety remains a pressing concern, the research project aims to understand, address, and revolutionize the safety landscape. Focused on the experiences and perceptions of individuals, this study delves into the realm of personal safety, examining the issues of harassment and violence in our society. the research explores the effectiveness of safety measures, areas for improvement and then generating insights that can inform technological advancements.

The research highlights the potential of wearable devices as a means of personal protection. the research methodology used is qualitative, involving in-depth interviews with diverse participants to understand the experiences, perceptions, and challenges individuals face concerning their safety. This research illuminated the need for an efficient and accessible solution.

The designed UX incorporates features such as real-time location sharing, emergency alerts, and discreet distress signals. Initial user testing results suggested that such an Interface has the potential to empower people by enhancing their sense of security and facilitating faster responses to safety concerns. The design of the safety wear device aims to bridge the gap between advanced technology and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring that the benefits of such innovations are accessible to a wider audience. The study underscores the importance of user-centric design approaches in creating solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also resonate with the needs and experiences of the end-users.


Aditya Agarwal
Aditya Agarwal
Aditya Agarwal