Srishty Shaleen

Nutanix on Mobile : Adapting an Enterprise IT Solution to smart devices

Srishty Shaleen


Mr. Chakradhar Saswade



The project's goal is to help Nutanix, a cloud computing and software-defined storage company, enter the mobile market. It will research the current market trends, such as the demand, competition, and user preferences for mobile applications. It will also analyze the potential use cases for Nutanix in the mobile sector, such as the opportunities to increase its revenue, reach, and innovation, as well as the challenges to ensure security, compatibility, and performance. Based on the research, it will propose a design approach for creating and delivering Nutanix apps on mobile devices. The design approach will consider the technical, functional, and aesthetic aspects of the apps, as well as the user needs and expectations. It will also test and improve some of the design ideas with user feedback, using methods of user validation. The project will provide Nutanix with a clear and feasible mobile solution, along with some concrete workflows of how its apps could look and work on mobile devices.


Srishty Shaleen
Srishty Shaleen
Srishty Shaleen
Srishty Shaleen