Debabrata Bayan


Debabrata Bayan


Mr. Ajay Tiwari

Self Sponsored


The film aims to highlight ‘Speciesism’ which means the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. Speciesism leads to a class of discrimination that has existed and has been neglected for the longest duration of time. There is hue and cry all around the human world when there is an evident case of discrimination or exploitation towards a singular human being or a group of people. But, there is a significant difference in human beings’ attitude and approach towards their own species ’homo sapiens’ and towards other species in case they suffer a similar fate. There is some tendency of humankind to sympathize with other species in certain rare situations. But what the other poor species deserve is empathy and not sympathy. This short film is a small but honest effort to bring to light such prejudiced approach towards the voiceless with the aid of visual communication.
The method to do the same involved years and years of my own personal experience in order to come to a point of self realization of how I have been ignorant of this harsh reality for a majority of my life. Also, noteworthy to be mentioned are the countless hours of diving deep into an ocean of content on animal abuse on the internet. People from various fields from all over the world through their documentaries, interviews, seminars, social media presence have unknowingly been an inspiration for me to take the first step in making this short. Every mundane or exciting day in my life has been a contributor in my research for this short film since there is not even a single day without an act or multiple acts of animal abuse if one has the eye to look for it.


Debabrata Bayan
Debabrata Bayan
Debabrata Bayan
Debabrata Bayan