Dr. Naushad Forbes

Governing Council,
National Institute of Design

Since its inception in 1961, the National Institute of Design (NID) has been a beacon for many aspiring designers. As a grand, ancient tree nurtures young seedlings, NID nourishes the minds of young students.

As another academic year draws to a close, I am sure this current batch of graduates will be the torchbearers of the educational philosophy and practices followed by the institute. NID, with its outstanding curriculum and academic practices, has trained graduates in an intellectually diverse, multidisciplinary learning environment. It has sharpened understanding about social concerns and has developed ability to realise design solutions to address these concerns.

I am confident that the knowledge and determination these graduates have gained during their time here will help them overcome all challenges and accomplish the goals they have set for themselves.

This edition of Young Designers features the final projects of this year’s graduates and is testimony to the innovation they will bring to the field of design. I sincerely wish them all the very best for the future.

Shri Pradyumna Vyas

National Institute of Design

Another year has passed and a new batch of exemplary graduates from the National Institute of Design (NID) is ready to embark into the world and fulfil its dreams. Having received training from NID’s capable faculty and under the institute’s renewed educational pedagogy, these graduates are truly aware of their moral and social obligations towards society.

These graduates have not only been mentored in the current trends of design thinking but have also gained immense inspiration from the rich heritage that has now come to define the National Institute of Design. One such legacy that NID can proudly boast of is the tree that goes by it popular on-campus sobriquet – ‘The Wisdom Tree’,

which has come to be the fulcrum of many a design contemplation activity by students and faculty for more than five decades now. Design education at NID has introduced all these graduates to the vast domain of design studies and its applications. Transcending the boundaries of learning they have gained so far and branching out into new fields of knowledge, I am sure that they will even spearhead new, unexplored fields on their own. Equipped with the knowledge gained during their academic years here at NID and also with the experience that they will gain from the opportunities during their coming years, these graduates will excel in every area of work. In the current global scenario wherein climate change has become one of the most pressing con-cerns, design education at NID continues to encourage environmental awareness, social innovation, ecological design, and sustainable technology. The institute has also taught these graduates the importance of inclusive growth.

This edition of Young Designers offers a glimpse into all the creative and developmental design thinking undertaken by this year’s graduates. With immense pride, I congratulate all of them and extend my best wishes as well.

Shashank Mehta

Activity Chairperson,
Professional Education Programmes
National Institute of Design

Environment, ethics and empathy will be the drivers of future economies. Design is expected to play a critical role in shaping these economies. Design has the capacity to affect, alter and revolutionise the quality of lifestyle as well as livelihood of the society. It can help resolve the increasing tension between the global and local that is experienced in a growing number of communities around the world. Design is thus taking on new meaning.

The unique education model followed at the National Institute of Design helps the institute constantly revise and refine its pedagogy to

be in sync with the rapidly changing demands and aspirations of the industry and economy in general. Its multidisciplinary design education inculcates superior design reasoning and philosophy in our students along with emphasising their socio-ecological responsibilities. Propelled by creativity and imagination, I am sure they will make a valuable contribution to the world of design. The flexible and project-based system of education at NID demands sensitive mentoring and constant involvement from its faculty members. I take this opportunity to thank my faculty colleagues for their immense contribution in shaping the future of these young graduates. Participation of large and varied sectors of Indian and global industries in supporting their graduation projects as well as absorbing these young graduates, amply demonstrate the confidence in the system of education here at NID and the capabilities of its graduates. Just as a tree sheds her older bark to let a fresh one take its place and continues to grow and reach out towards the vast skies, NID has grown in reputation and importance due to the contribution and support of her current students as well as their predecessors.

With extreme pleasure and pride, I congratulate all our Young Designers this year and extend my best wishes for all their future endeavours.
